市场要闻Market Information(2023.3)

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.21)

1. 解决企业数字化转型难题,C2M柔性制造工业互联网平台「未蓝云」完成天使轮融资
2. 将AIGC用在音乐领域,「视感科技」发布“AIGC三键成曲”和“AIGC音乐续写”
3. 「极赫科技」获近千万元天使轮融资,旗下神霄平台助力XR行业应用拓展
4. 光驱动负碳合成化合物,「光玥生物」获近亿元Pre-A轮融资
5. 围绕精品游戏内容提升互动体验,斗鱼2022年第四季度实现净利润4180万元
6. 「Nimble」获6500万美元B轮融资,打造完全自主的物流供应链
7. 「Wheel the World」完成600万美元pre-A轮融资,为残疾人提供优质的旅行住宿体验
8. 致力于实现印度国内金融普惠的「PhonePe」公司获得沃尔玛2亿美元融资
9. 在SVB破产事件中化险为夷的「Rippling」公司获得的5亿美元E轮融资
10. D2C宠物护理初创公司「Bundle x Joy」种子轮融资100万美元,将通过零售商合作伙伴拓展业务规模

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Regulators in Switzerland seem to have given US markets a boost by calming investors’ fears of a banking crisis (at least for now). Stocks closed higher yesterday, and regional US banks started gaining again, with PacWest jumping up the most. But not all regional banks—First Republic’s shares plummeted once more, and Jamie Dimon is reportedly trying to engineer another fix for the struggling lender.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.20)

1. “杰成新能源”获数亿元B轮融资;湖南出台首个跨境电商专项政策
2. 8家公司拿到新钱,书亦烧仙草前半月签超400家店,小红书用户人均月入较2021年增23%
3. 「Bach」完成了900万美元A轮融资,帮助人们更好地策划团体旅行
4. AI大牛颜水成加入「智源研究院」,任访问首席科学家
5. 资金陷入困境的电动汽车公司「Arrival」获得3亿美元以维持运营,仍在寻求更多资金
6. 荷兰软件开发商「AG5」融资600万美元,主打制造业工人技能管理
7. 婴儿用品电商「123 Baby Box」pre-seed轮融资120万美元,主打月度订阅婴儿产品礼盒
8. 「C位观察」新型存储器:通过技术创新突破整存储市场低迷现状
9. 营销管理平台「Soci」融资1.2亿美元,协助品牌方管理数以万计的数字营销渠道
10. 芯翼信息完成3亿元 C 轮融资,光源资本担任独家财务顾问

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Wall Street’s $30 billion infusion into First Republic didn’t manage to calm investors’ jitters about how banks are holding up. The regional bank’s stock tanked again yesterday, dragging most of the market down with it. But Big Tech stocks got a boost from investors looking to park their cash in non-bank companies, pushing Microsoft to its best week in almost eight years.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.17)

1. 依托国内供应链,「乐动智享」打造非洲版“苏宁电器”
2. 把纯度提高到40%,「蓝美股份」从“蓝美1号”提取蓝莓花色苷
3. 「UPDF」获数千万元Pre-A轮融资,上线三个月收入破百万元
4. 梅鹤祥创立的「第十四章」,刚上市月销量就以100%速度增长
5. 球星卡成收藏新贵,「TopStox领藏」想为国内玩家搭建国际交易平台
6. 「Okawa大川電機」完成1.21亿元A轮融资,挑战寡头格局,自研「Ebike」上游全栈技术路径
7. Office全家桶接入GPT-4,微软抛出“王炸”
8. 匹配创作者和客户,「WAVE CLOUD」想让视频制作更高效
9. 「Elyn」完成270万美元种子前轮融资,为电子商务提供先试后买服务
10. 游戏开发商「Believer」A轮融资5500万美元,主攻大型多人开放世界类游戏

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
The S&P 500 posted its best day in almost two months after 11 banking giants helped out their li’l cousin First Republic Bank to show their confidence “in banks of all sizes.” To give you a sense of how jumpy bank stocks have been recently, First Republic was down 36% at one point yesterday but closed up 10%.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.16)

1. 教育信息化SaaS服务商「十六进制」,以教学资产规模化实现基础教育公平
2. 庭院机器人「汉阳科技Yarbo」获过亿元Pre-A轮融资,昊辰资本独家领投
3. 一支电吹管8个月卖出1000万元,「锣钹科技」想让普通人玩出专业好音乐
4. 精品咖啡连锁品牌「四叶咖」获数千万元天使轮融资,由天图投资和内向基金投资
5. 「浮墨笔记flomo」将全资收购飞书旗下产品「幕布」
6. 再度落后OpenAI!谷歌推出PaLM API接口,但没公布价格
7. 北极九章打造「DataGPT」,革新数据分析体验
8. 社交音乐流媒体「Stationhead」推出数字专辑直播销售功能,希望通过直播烘托氛围、激发粉丝热情
9. “银行即服务”初创公司「Synctera」新一轮融资1500万美元,协助加拿大企业推出嵌入式银行产品
10. 电动自行车制造商「Cowboy」新一轮融资1500万欧元,推出“AdaptivePower”自动调整功率的新功能

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Anyone hoping the storm had passed for the markets was disappointed yesterday when Credit Suisse stirred up a new tempest that got investors fearing for the financial sector’s health all over again (more on that in a sec). Bank stocks in Europe and the US took a hit, including First Republic, which reportedly started mulling a sale to a larger institution after two ratings firms cut its credit rating to “junk.”

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.15)

1. 从潮流电商入局元宇宙平台,「HOTDOG」探索虚实结合新玩法
2. 低代码平台「飞速创软」完成数千万元A2轮融资,由中新融创独家投资
3. 深耕物流业蓝领招聘市场,「牛小二」服务用户过千万
4. 杰成新能源获数亿元B轮融资,加注电池回收万亿赛道
5. 「烽禾升」获过亿元B轮融资,投资方为奇瑞战投
6. 专注实体瘤TCR-T细胞治疗,「新景智源」获近2亿元A+轮融资
7. 基于独创的“数据克隆”技术,南栖仙策专注通用智能决策
8. 利用算法为法律行业赋能的「SpotDraft」公司获得2600万美元的A轮投资
9. 完成Pre-A+轮融资,语言大模型企业「澜舟科技」推出孟子MChat可控大模型

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Banking crisis averted? While many questions remain over the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, stocks boomed yesterday in a sign Wall Street has moved past the “panic” stage of this drama. Regional banks like First Republic, whose shares got trounced on Monday, rebounded as the threat of an SVB-like bank run dissipated.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.14)

1. 二手电动自行车转售平台「Upway」已在欧洲翻新、认证超过1万辆设备,将在美国市场推出
2. 供应链技术初创「Overhaul」融资7300万美元,利用人工智能模型开发风险管理解决方案
3. 清华教授创业,「图灵深视」想用AI鉴定来构筑更透明的交易市场
4. 「DeepVerse幻量科技」完成数千万元种子轮融资,以人工智能驱动新材料研发
5. 从消毒延伸至空气管理全场景,「清越科技」完成数千万元A轮融资
6. 以低代码平台切入医疗信息化,「福鑫科创」获5000万元天使轮融资
7. 想帮企业留住员工的「HR Signal」获得160万美元种子轮融资
8. 致力于成为未来电商行业巨头的「Una Brands」获得3000万美元的C轮融资
9. 「SpotDraft」完成2600万美元A轮融资,致力于开发合同生命周期管理工具
10. 电商软件服务商「Threecolts」A轮总计融资9000万美元,由Amazon前高管创办

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
It was a roller coaster of a day for stocks yesterday as the market continued to absorb the failure of two banks and the government’s efforts to keep those failures contained. Some stocks were actually buoyed by the notion that the Fed might stop raising interest rates due to the potential for a banking crisis. But bank stocks, especially regional ones, took a big hit, even though several regional banks told news outlets that they weren’t experiencing the big deposit pullouts investors feared.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.13)

1. 老客户续约率近100%,「驰骛科技(ChiefClouds)」获亿元B轮融资
2. 「彼真科技」获数千万天使+轮投资,致力打造RT3D虚拟活动头部平台
3. 「呈元科技」获数千万美元Pre-A轮融资,用AI加速合成肽药物研发
4. 「永仁心医疗」完成近亿美元A轮融资;「Bigfoot」首创糖尿病数字化MDI疗法
5. SHEIN在美起诉Temu;辛巴达完成数千万美元融资,服装柔性供应链服务走向全球
6. 八家公司拿到新钱,喜茶加盟店日销平均2000杯,深圳去年开出321家「首店」
7. 专注厨房净洗产品,小米生态链企业「美高厨具」正在开启新一轮融资
8. 「Una Brands」完成3000万美元pre-C轮融资,专注于做亚洲市场的电子商务聚合器
9. 「HR Signal」完成160万美元种子前轮融资,用算法帮助公司留住员工
10. 短租平台「Roami」融资1400万美元,希望提供更专业化、标准化的旅游住宿

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Unsurprisingly, stocks did not react well yesterday to the biggest bank failure since the 2008 crisis (more on that in just a sec). The Dow suffered its worst week since June, and trading in several bank stocks, including First Republic, was halted at points throughout the day as Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse prompted a wider sell-off. But major banks JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, and Citigroup ended the day higher.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.10)

1. AI改变社交,即时群组空间“半区”想成为大学生生活效率工具
2. 目前开出300+奶咖店,「芭堤啦」想在东南亚茶饮赛道做出全国性品牌
3. 德国音乐流媒体「Soundcloud」测试人工智能驱动的音乐推荐系统
4. 加拿大物流技术初创「UniUni」B轮融资1500万美元,采用灵活的临时车队和订单分配技术
5. 「Immi」完成1000万美元A轮融资,生产更多口味的健康方便面
6. 通过RPA+ AI自动生成尽调报告及合同,「案牍AutoDocs」希望改变尽调及合规的工作方式
7. 「Plus One Robotics」获5000万美元融资,简化包裹拣选流程
8. 医美SaaS平台「睿美云」获超千万元融资,产品续约率90%
9. 以药店CRM为基础布局医药数字化营销,「存健康」获启赋资本数千万元投资
10. 尼日利亚B2B电商「Alerzo」裁员15%,精简组织以求在今年第三季度实现收支平衡

北美二级市场信息  North American Second-Market Information:
Markets: Stocks fell across the board in the lead-up to the pivotal jobs report out this morning. In this bizarre economic environment, investors are concerned that the US will have added too many jobs last month, because a jumbo jobs number could encourage the Fed to ramp up interest rate hikes. And there’s reason to think it will come in hot: Jobs growth has topped estimates for the last 10 months, per Bloomberg.
Stock spotlight: Peep the first Tour de Headlines item for context.


市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.9)

1. 凯辉消费共创基金携手赛诺菲,布局中国大健康领域早期机会
2. 喜茶更新加盟业务数据:拓数十座新城市,单店日均2000杯,出海亮绿灯
3. 「桥田智能」完成数千万元天使轮融资,利用机器人末端产品实现制造业柔性化生产最后一公里
4. 猎头公司「Prog.ai」pre-seed轮融资100万美元,通过评估GitHub作品来推断开发人员的编程能力
5. 「思倍云」获得数千万Pre-A轮融资,想以标准化产品服务更多空间业态
6. 「贻如生物」获数千万元融资,用合成生物技术培育100%生物基皮革
7. 清杉科技完成数千万元Pre-A轮融资,北汽集团产投基金领投
8. Tagging X GPT-3全新数字人社交产品上线,融和数字藏品与ChatGPT
9. 大众餐饮连锁企业「小菜园」获数千万美元融资,由加华资本独投
10. 软银集团旗下的日本营销技术公司「Geniee」以7000万美元现金收购印度营收优化平台「Zelto」

北美二级市场信息  North American Second-Market Information:
Stocks ended up mixed after Jerome Powell testified before Congress for the second day in a row and and insisted that no decision had yet been made about the Fed’s next move on interest rates. Tesla had its worst day in a month in the wake of Elon Musk’s viral tweets mocking a laid-off Twitter employee with a disability who reached out on the platform to ask if he still had a job (Musk later apologized).


市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.8)

1. 奇幻体育游戏开发商「Champions Round」A轮融资700万美元,开发创作者房间为体育主播拓宽变现渠道
2. 智能食谱app「SideChef」B轮融资600万美元,与食品杂货电商合作销售配套食材
3. 关注中小微企业产研协作需求,「明象科技」打造轻量级PLM SaaS产品
4. 细胞培养肉公司「极麋生物」获千万元天使+轮融资,培养基成本降为市面3%
5. 商用车数字化服务平台「友备养车」获数千万天使轮融资,投控东海领投
6. 女性健康或成数字疗法热门赛道,「Renovia」上市尿失禁治疗数字产品
7. 曾获千万级美元融资,「Hygieia」研发胰岛素剂量自动调整技术
8. 累计融资超1亿美金,「Glooko」步入糖尿病数字管理头部玩家序列
9. 创作者平台「Zarta」获a16z领投570万美元种子轮融资,主打视频按次付费模式
10. 「Indent」完成810万美元A轮融资,打造智能视频评论工具

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Fed Chair Jerome Powell dropped Mentos into the market’s Diet Coke yesterday. In testimony on Capitol Hill, he said that interest rates were probably going to go “higher than previously anticipated” in light of stronger economic data. After those comments, stocks sold off and the 2-year Treasury yield spiked to above 5% for the first time since 2007.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.7)

1. 薪酬绩效管理平台「Bonusly」B轮融资1890万美元,帮助企业提升管理颗粒度
2. 智协慧同获商汤国香资本融资,打造智能汽车的“车云数据底座”
3. 法国科技物流平台Cubyn获1500万欧元D轮融资,已与OPPO、vivo达成合作
4. 辛巴达完成数千万美元A轮融资,服装柔性供应链服务走向全球
5. 基于自研大模型,「秘塔科技」推出中文版ChatGPT 「对话写作猫」
6. 被Insulet花2500万美元并购,「Bigfoot」首创糖尿病数字化MDI疗法
7. ChatGPT爆火的这两个月,人工智能也成为了2023年“数字化实践热词”
8. 法国产品管理平台「Cycle」融资600万美元,为产品经理汇总来自消费者、营销团队等各方的反馈

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Markets: On the first day of “hell week” for Wall Street, stocks held up reasonably well, and the Dow extended its winning streak to four days. But the trial’s just getting started: Today, investors will be glued to Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s testimony on Capitol Hill for clues on the path forward for interest rate hikes.
Stock spotlight: As the momentum to ban TikTok in the US hits a crescendo, other social media stocks are getting a boost. Snap scored big gains, while Pinterest and Meta also ticked higher.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.6)

1. 「Universal Hydrogen」实现世界最大氢能客机首飞,绿色环保,共享未来
2. 灵活办公管理平台「Gable」A轮融资1200万美元,为员工预定就近的办公场所
3. 「天剧网络」获千万元级天使轮融资,转型游戏切入线下社交
4. 微服务协调平台「Temporal」新一轮融资7500万美元,估值保持在15亿美元
5. 美国旧金山SaaS初创「Crstl」种子轮融资440万美元,构建EDI帮助企业从D2C向零售业转型
6. 「仁景生物」获近亿元Pre-A+轮融资;新一代分子影像技术平台落地
7. 研发Birdbath和光波导AR眼镜,「雷鸟创新」完成过亿元首轮融资
8. 2022年营收过亿元,「松能Humanmotion」从显示器支架切入人体工学市场
9. 主打电影级超写实数智人,「奥丁科技」完成Pre-A轮融资
10. 成为新一代工业智能决策大脑,软件商「谷斗科技」获得连续两轮过亿元融资

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Stocks went up and down more than a sailboat caught in a hurricane this week, but they managed to close the week on an upswing and break a four-week losing streak yesterday. Meta was one of the stocks that climbed after the Facebook parent announced big price cuts for its VR headsets, including the high-end Meta Quest Pro.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.3)

1. 「金智维」获得5亿元C轮融资,RPA赛道进入比拼质量阶段
2. 机器人教育品牌「玛塔创想」完成A+轮融资,布局全球青少年人工智能与编程教育
3. 「无忧跳动」获近千万元天使轮融资,力合基金投资
4. 「傲雪睿视」完成数千万元Pre-A轮融资,致力于打造适用于元宇宙的XR终端
5. 美国洛杉矶金融技术初创「SoLo Funds」获Serena Ventures等七位数投资,注册用户数量已突破100万人
6. 完成近亿元的B轮融资,钧舵机器人要做「一站式」电伺服执行器产品供应商
7. 人力资源技术平台「Finch」B轮融资4000万美元,通过API连接多个人力资源系统
8. 电商技术初创「Rebuy」A轮融资1700万美元,为消费者带来个性化体验
9. 元宇宙、人工智能、增强现实成2022年最受大企业欢迎的数字化实践技术

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
The seesawing stock market went up yesterday, with the Dow boosted by Salesforce’s best trading day since 2020. Activist investors have swarmed the software company, but it crushed earnings on Wednesday, and CEO Marc Benioff said he was listening to his critics’ feedback.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.2)

1. 提供高性价比3D工业相机 ,「图漾科技」已切入工业、物流等多领域场景
2. 触觉技术平台「IHS智触」连获两轮千万级融资,手术教培机器人已规模化应用
3. 「天懋信息」获数千万元B+轮融资,由磊垚资本独家投资
4. 从金字塔尖的航空工业入手,云原生软件厂商「智研汇」获千万级天使轮投资
5. 自研新一代光学遥感相机技术,「天辅高分」开启新一轮融资
6. 「Glowe 阁楼」完成数千万元A+轮融资,AIGC赋能心理咨询
7. 「Tracksuit」完成500万美元融资,帮助品牌轻松进行市场调研
8. AI赋能尿液“连续无感”健康监测技术,「杉木SHANMU」想构建个性化智能家庭医疗物联网
9. 客户管理平台「Vitally」B轮融资3000万美元,整合生产力工具以提高项目跟进效率
10. 加拿大生物技术初创「Future Fields」“种子+”轮融资1120万美元,将果蝇变成生物反应器以解决人造肉生产需求

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Stocks kicked off March like a lamb rather than a lion, with investors still spooked by the bond market’s moves. AMC failed to bring out the magic (or the meme-stock mafia) yesterday, after the movie theater chain reported a loss for its 14th straight quarter and fourth straight year on Tuesday.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.3.1)

1. 小餐饮加盟连锁孵化企业「墨比优创」获亿元级别A轮融资
2. 「氦舶科技」创始人黄翟:打破海外化工巨头在高性能电子浆料领域的长期垄断
3. 「衔远科技」完成数亿元天使轮融资,以ChatGPT助企业数智化创新
4. 专注智能制造领域,「富纳科技」提供产教融合的灰领人才供应链服务解决方案
5. 专注中高速电动摩托车研发 ,「科萝交通」已展开车辆销售全球化布局
6. 「好电科技」加速打破国内高端锂电粘结剂市场空白,已进入国内头部电池厂商供应链
7. 「Carbon Maps」完成430万美元种子轮融资,帮助食品行业减少对气候的负面影响
8. 穿山甲机器人发布三款新品,推出搭载ChatGPT的迎宾机器人
9. 像冲咖啡一样泡人参,「Focusen浮颗森」想做人参赛道的“小仙炖”
10. 创新研发第三代2000V储能变流器,「京清数电」加速推动储能系统的高压化发展

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
The stock market took two steps forward in January but one step back in February. After a sizzling start to the year, the three major indexes closed lower last month when inflation stopped falling as dramatically as it had been. Goldman Sachs earned a thumbs down from investors, and we’ll explain why in 3…2…1…

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