市场要闻Market Information (2023.1)

市场信息Market Information (2023.1.31)

1. 奎芯科技获超亿元A轮融资, 专注高速接口IP研发
2. 想做海参赛道的“小仙炖”,「海参先生」用互联玩法打造品牌效应
3. 起于深圳设店,「隔壁刘奶奶」想研发出适合中国宝宝体质的水牛配方液态奶产品
4. 「偲百创」获过亿元Pre-A轮融资,瞄准5G未来市场提供射频滤波差异化产品和解决方案
5. 主攻静态代码分析技术,「蜚语安全」完成Pre-A轮融资
6. 「KEWAZO」获千万美元A轮融资,打造智能化建筑机器人
7. 德国青少年社交平台「Slay」pre-seed轮融资250万欧元,希望塑造更积极健康的社交网络
8. 中国取消外贸备案手续,所有企业自动获得进出口权利

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:

Markets: Stocks closed lower yesterday, with the Dow snapping a six-day hot streak as investors started to get antsy about the size of the rate hike the Fed is likely to announce tomorrow. One stock managed to soar, though: Caravana, the flailing online used car marketplace. Despite still being way down from the highs it hit during the pandemic, it’s up more than 100% from where it started this year.

市场信息Market Information (2023.1.30)

1. 干洗设备租赁商「Presso」种子轮融资800万美元,与酒店、房地产开发商合作部署更多洗衣亭
2. 电子商务辅助工具「ThriveCart」融资3500万美元,优化商品发现和购物车设计以提高转化率、促成交易
3. 报价管理SaaS服务商「订阅蜂」完成天使轮融资,想成为中国的Dealhub
4. 「可可满分」完成数千万元A+轮融资,去年销售额超1.5亿元,今年目标翻倍
5. 「庭宇科技」连获A1、A2轮近亿元融资,加速边缘云实时互动解决方案在多行业落地
6. 曾获IDG资本领投的上亿元融资,「爸爸糖」想要占领手工吐司的品类心智
7. 打造全栈云原生安全方案,「雅客云」完成超千万元级别Pre-A轮融资
8. 物流技术初创「Locad」A轮融资1100万美元,在东南亚和澳大利亚打造更强大的“物流引擎”

市场信息Market Information (2023.1.29)

1. 餐饮供应链技术平台「Zitti」种子轮融资350万美元,提高食材采购渠道的透明度
2. 南非广告技术初创「Flow」pre-A轮融资450万美元,帮助房地产企业在社交媒体上自动投放广告
3. 西雅图初创「Wyze」发布可水平、垂直调整视角的安全监控摄像,售价34美元
4. 先声药业先诺欣、君实生物民得维,两款国产新冠口服药附条件获批上市
5. 拿下2022年双11天猫底妆类目国货第一,「blank me | 半分一」想要探索中国底妆的科学表达
6. IPO式微,比亚迪、宁德时代成新势力,新工业强势崛起
7. 研发XR设备专用交互芯片,「耀宇视芯」完成数千万天使轮融资
8. 潮牌电商「The Edit LDN」种子轮融资480万美元,主打限量版球鞋和高端街头服饰
9. 二维码管理平台「Beaconstac」A轮融资2500万美元,为品牌设计、跟踪定制化二维码

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:

Markets: It was a happy Friday indeed for the stock market. All three major indexes closed the week in positive territory—and for the Nasdaq, that meant a fourth straight week of gains. After their worst year ever in 2022, Tesla shares have begun 2023 with a Liam Neeson-level vengeance, soaring nearly 65% this month and 31% this week alone.

市场信息Market Information (2023.1.28)

1. 「Aerones」获3000万欧元融资,提高风力涡轮机的维护效率
2. 「Forum Mobility」获千万美元A轮融资,解决重型卡车电动化难题
3. 世纪云安完成近亿元Pre-A轮融资 将试点社区V2X实现车与车互充
4. 肯尼亚金融技术初创「Kwara」“种子+”轮融资300万美元,将覆盖超过4000家信用社
5. 印度尼西亚金融科技公司「Komunal」融资850万美元,加速乡村银行的数字化进程
6. 雅加达企业服务平台「Mindtera」种子轮融资85万美元,帮助雇主建设企业文化、鼓舞员工士气
7. 「啤卤侠」完成近千万元Pre-A轮融资,打造“精酿啤酒+热卤炸串”快速复制模式
8. 元气森林反腐新动作:原销售一把手涉嫌贪腐被撤职
9. 半导体行业开启“并购潮”:TCL中环77.6亿拿下鑫芯半导体,拟打造中国半导体硅片龙头

市场信息Market Information (2023.1.19)

1. 金融技术初创「The Easy Company」种子轮融资1420万美元,为加密货币钱包增加社交属性
2. 资产管理巨头BlackRock收购养老福利平台Human Interest的少数股权,共同致力于缩小退休工人的资源差距
3. 「唐锋能源」完成3亿元融资,着力打造氢能产业强劲的中国“芯”
4. 短视频平台「Vylo」pre-seed轮融资200万美元,认为新闻的未来是视频评论
5. Sigrid Therapeutics筹集1060万克朗,加速降糖产品SiPore商业化进程
6. 爆款频出,多品牌多渠道,复合调味料企业「吉得利」获2亿元B轮融资
7. 开发质谱仪及一站解决方案,「华仪宁创」单细胞质谱仪已完成研发
8. Belharra将投资1.3亿美元,搭建不可成药蛋白质药物研发平台
9. 聚焦MLCC材料国产替代,纳米级金属粉材制造商「新川新材料」获近亿元融资

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:

Markets: Stocks tanked yesterday, with the Dow plunging, the S&P had its worst day since mid-December, and the Nasdaq coming down from a seven-day rally. As investors started heeding recession signals again after new data revealed weak retail sales during the holiday season last month, companies that sell consumer staples were hit especially hard.

市场信息Market Information (2023.1.17)

1. 研发心脏二尖瓣修复装置,HVR Cardio获1070万欧元B轮融资
2. Asensus Surgical Q4收入220万美元,腔镜机器人手术量增长23%
3. 混合产科诊所Oula获1910万美元A轮融资,提供全方位孕产服务
4. 「Attention」完成310万美元融资,推出辅助性智能销售助理
5. 无性别服饰品牌bosie获1亿元B2轮融资,2023年希望“轻装上阵”
6. 尼日利亚农业技术初创「Releaf」pre-A轮融资330万美元,推出食品加工新技术
7. 「小鹭云」完成新一轮近千万元融资,升级全方位景区数字化服务
8. 人工智能编码工具「Blaze」pre-seed轮融资350万美元,开发无代码应用程序生成器
9. 「Alterpacks」完成100万美元种子前轮融资,将食品垃圾变为食品容器
10. 众钠能源完成超亿元Pre-A轮融资,聚焦于硫酸铁钠电池研发

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:

Markets: Markets were closed for MLK Day in the US yesterday, but they were hopping across the pond in Britain and Europe. Stocks closed higher in both France and Germany. And in the UK, the blue-chip FTSE 100 index nearly matched a record high it clinched in 2018 as investors continue to get hope from signals that global inflation is beginning to ease.

市场信息Market Information (2023.1.1 — 2023.1.15)
  1. 合成生物回归商业理性;「特科罗」获数千万元A+轮融资
  2. Shopee关闭波兰站,告别欧洲
  3.  阿里巴巴计划在土耳其投资超10亿美元
  4. 「Product Science」完成1800万美元种子轮融资,帮助应用程序更好地提高性能
  5. 本周累积融资额超14.88亿元,华润生物获6亿元融资
  6. 2023JPM医疗健康大会:三星制药宣布在ADC领域扩张生产产能
  7.  私募基金「Vista Equity Partners」以26亿美元收购保险软件公司「Duck Creek Technologies」
  8. 直觉外科」2022年Q4收入16.6亿美元,预计2023年达芬奇手术程序使用量增长12%
  9.  AR技术开发商「Lumus」发布“Z-Lens”AR眼镜,更好地满足日常生活所需
  10.  前苹果公司团队打造「Cruz」便携式破壁机,已在上海投产销售
  11. 印度金融技术初创「KreditBee」D+轮融资1亿美元,估值达到6.8亿美元
  12. 视频会议效率软件「Read」已加入Zoom集成工具列表,发布会议摘要功能
  13. 乐纯生物获数亿元C轮融资,诺和控股等加注国产生物制药上游耗材产业
  14. 「大侠找光」平台完成A轮融资,利用数字化手段服务光伏项目落地
  15. 「予君生物」完成数亿元B轮融资,加大CDMO业务研发投入
  16. 专注儿童青少年脊柱健康筛查与诊疗,「芙索特」获数千万元Pre-A轮融资
  17. 由《南方公园》主演Trey Parker和Matt Stone创办的深伪技术初创「Deep Voodoo」融资2000万美元
  18.  食谱管理平台「meez」A轮融资1150万美元,通过标准化流程帮助餐饮企业减少80%的新员工培训时间
  19. 私人水翼电动船开发商「Boundary Layer」推出价值5.9万美元的水上摩托,已收到超过100万美元的预订单
  20. 「非凡生物科技」完成数千万元Pre-A轮融资,挖掘人体“清道夫”SOD的医疗潜力
  21. 「华封科技」完成近5000万美元B2轮融资,提供先进封装贴片设备
  22. 中高端宠物功能性主食品牌「BRIGHT布兰德」获数千万元Pre-A轮融资,由上市公司若羽臣独投
  23. 打造视频监控安全一体化方案,物联网安全企业「天防安全」完成Pre-A轮融资
  24. 「安迈特」完成数千万元Pre-A轮融资,以独特技术工艺打造复合集流体领军企业
  25. 「Doorstead」完成2150万B轮融资,以保证出租房产业主的租金收入
  26. 美国旧金山人工智能技术初创「Recall.ai」种子轮融资270万美元,协助企业处理视频、音频会议数据
  27. 东方证券&36氪:强强联手打造双碳领域创业创新IP
  28. 原阿里云盘负责人、Teambition创始人齐俊元加入飞书
  29. Galaxy Digital以6500万美元收购Argo Blockchain比特币采矿设施Helios,为后者注资1亿美元以协助其重组
  30. 旧金山湾区技术初创「Movano」发布一款“专为女性用户打造的”智能戒指,监测生命体征和健康状态
  31. 获中科院创投领投数千万元种子轮融资,「天牧光能」主推光伏微型逆变器
  32. 「HealthAtom」完成1000万美元A轮融资,为中小型诊所提供云运营服务
  33. 人工智能初创「Poly」融资390万美元,设计师只需键入文字即可为3D模型渲染纹理
  34. 拉脱维亚技术初创「Aerones」开发了风力涡轮机清洁机器人,已获得YC、Future Positive Capital等投资
  35. 办公效率软件「Balance」推出Mac版应用程序,鼓励用户手动打卡、主动进入专注状态
  36.  控烟减害新突破,温致科技专注「智能数字疗法」
  37. 「Nvidia」为现代、比亚迪、北极星提供按需云游戏系统“GeForce Now”,加速车载游戏落地
  38. 芯片制造商「Nvidia」优化机器人模拟系统Isaac Sim,构建人机协同的未来场景
  39. 曼谷医疗保健平台「HD」融资600万美元,将共享经济引入医院病房
  40. 西恩科技完成千万级天使轮融资,主攻高端伺服系统及驱动芯片研发
  41. 一年完成三轮近亿元融资,「范特科技」又获数千万元A轮投资,由中美绿色基金投资
  42. 「SwissDrones」获百万美元新一轮融资,加速无人机的开发应用
  43. 致力核心电子材料国产化 ,「盈科材料」获北极光创投数千万元融资
  44. 专注牙科器械制造,「赛乐医疗」获数亿元人民币B轮融资
  45. E-bike赛道火热,TENWAYS获3亿人民币A轮融资
  46. 吉利子品牌极氪计划年内登陆欧洲
  47. 「Nerdio」完成1.17亿美元B轮融资,提供优质的虚拟桌面管理服务
  48. 生物技术初创「Nowatch」推出智能健康追踪手表,采用“无显示屏”的珠宝表面
  49. 禾臣新材料完成1亿元新一轮融资,加速光掩膜版基材和CMP抛光材料国产替代
  50. 「Ganymed Robotics」获1500万欧元B轮融资,利用机器人辅助手术治疗
  51. 「知存科技」完成2亿元B2轮融资,加速存算一体商用
  52. 「LEGEND ENERGY 乐驾能源」完成由愉悦资本领投的新一轮融资,推进用户侧储能智慧能源生态建设
  53.  打造下一代网络安全靶场产品,「丈八网安」完成数千万元级别A轮融资
  54.  打造元宇宙办公平台,“在场”想提升远程办公团队沟通与协作效率
  55. Meta 在欧洲收到最新罚单:个性化广告服务违规,被罚3.9亿欧元并要求整改
  56. 「奇勃科技」获数千万元天使轮融资,发布三款清洁机器人产品
  57. 软心曲奇品牌「莎布蕾」完成5000万元A轮融资,想致力于做中国人自己的曲奇
  58. 「Carallel」获820万美元A轮融资,为家庭护理人员提供数字工具
  59. 美国医疗保健平台「Upstream Health」B轮融资1.4亿美元,推广价值医疗
  60. 印度DTC保健品电商「HealthKart」H轮融资1.35亿美元,将加速拓展全渠道分销
  61. 「Protect AI」完成1350万美元种子轮融资,保护人工智能项目免受攻击
  62. 网络安全技术初创「Drata」C轮融资2亿美元,估值翻倍至20亿美元
  63. 计划再开3000家中老年专卖店,孝心坊长跑13年后迎来风口
  64.  打造多元交互的年轻艺术空间,「Fiu Gallery飞呦画廊」想让自身成为连接社区的入口
  65. 出海日本创新加速营持续招募元宇宙、碳中和、新消费企业
  66. 营收增长2倍+NDR120%,业财法一体化合同管理平台「甄零科技」完成7000万A+轮融资
  67. 「瑞隆科技」完成数亿元A轮融资,利用先进工艺环节赋能动力电池回收产业
  68.  生物技术SaaS企业「MasterControl」A轮融资1.5亿美元,帮助制药企业缩短研发周期、解决低效率问题
  69. 商业智能初创「Zappi」新一轮融资1.7亿美元,借助人工智能为营销团队提供商业洞察
  70. 「Gynger」完成1170万美元的种子轮融资,帮助企业预付软件服务费
  71.  国产新能源汽车会形成国内大循环为主、国际贸易为辅的发展策略
  72. 「Meta」收购智能眼镜制造商「Luxexcel」,利用3D打印技术生产处方AR眼镜
  73. 开发可吸收生物材料和再生医学产品,花沐医疗完成数千万元C轮融资
  74. 「核心医疗」获数亿元C轮融资;「阶梯医疗」获数亿元A轮融资
  75. 累计已获数千万美金融资,「爱姆斯坦」研发T-MSC原创干细胞新药
  76. 「ImagenAI」筹集到3000万美元的股权投资,研发自动化照片后期处理软件
  77.  聚焦三大垂直赛道,一站式门店数智化转型升级解决方案提供商「契胜科技」锚定下沉市场
  78.  能源效率管理平台「Redaptive」获加拿大养老基金2亿美元投资,协助企业降低碳足迹
  79. 雅加达金融科技公司「Akulaku」获日本三菱集团2亿美元投资,双方将在东南亚市场开展深度业务合作
北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information
  1. Markets: Stocks ended the week with a bang yesterday, shaking off the first day of what’s expected to be a bummer of an earnings season. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq both clinched their best weeks since November. With investors believing that inflation is finally letting up, tech stocks like Amazon are creeping back up again. The e-commerce giant had its best week since April 2020.
  2. Markets: Stocks kept the good 2023 vibes going yesterday, rising as investors bet that this morning’s consumer price index release will show inflation cooling down. But not all the vibes made sense: Bed Bath & Beyond, which is considering bankruptcy and reported dismal quarterly sales earlier this week, led a meme stock rally like it was 2021, with GameStop and AMC also notching gains.
  3. Markets: So far, stocks are generally making good on their New Year’s resolution to only go up, but they’ll face several AP-level tests in the coming days, including the monthly inflation report release (Thursday) and the start of earnings season (Friday). Over in crypto land, Coinbase investors applauded the company’s dramatic moves to cut costs—the crypto exchange said it would lay off 20% of its workforce and drop “several” projects.
  4. Markets: Stocks ended the day mostly flat yesterday, despite spending the morning looking like they were going to keep Friday’s big rally energy going (investors’ enthusiasm waned after two Fed officials made discouraging noises about interest rates). Still, recently hard-hit tech stocks like Tesla and several semiconductor companies started getting scooped up once again, pushing the Nasdaq into positive territory.
  5. Markets: Stocks had their first big rally of 2023 yesterday, with the Dow and S&P 500 both having their best day since November after new economic data convinced investors that inflation may be slowing so the Fed can finally cool it with the rate hikes (more on that in a sec). One stock that didn’t join the party: Party City. The retailer’s stock tanked after the WSJ reported that it was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.
  6.  Markets: Even in 2023, we’re still on that “good news is bad news” grind. Stocks dipped after news reports showed that the US jobs picture has remained stronger than anticipated—a sign that the Fed will keep hiking rates to slow inflation. We’ll get the clearest sense of the labor market this morning when the government drops December’s jobs report. US employers are expected to have added 200,000 jobs last month.
  7. Stock spotlight: After the crypto-focused bank, Silvergate Capital revealed that its finances got rocked by FTX’s implosion, its stock got rocked on the NYSE. The bank suffered $8.1 billion in customer withdrawals following FTX’s collapse and needed to sell assets at huge losses to meet those obligations.
  8. Markets: Stocks closed higher for the first time in 2023 yesterday, shaking off gloomy vibes from the notes of the Fed’s last meeting that said officials expect higher interest rates to stay in place for “some time.” And in some good news for a crypto exchange for once, Coinbase’s stock rose…after the company agreed to a $100 million settlement with New York financial regulators.
  9. Markets: Investors are hoping 2023 will be brighter than the abysmal 2022, but they didn’t get a lot to cheer about on the year’s first trading day. Stocks closed lower, dragged down in part by Apple, whose market value dipped below $2 trillion on its worst day since June 2021.

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