市场要闻Market Information(2023.5)

市场信息 Market Information (2023.5.31)

1. 前京东集团副总裁、加拿大工程院外籍院士梅涛成立生成式AI公司,投身多模态领域
2. 食品营养技术公司「BBy」开发母乳粉末化保存技术,已筹集300万美元早期资金
3. 食品科技公司「IncredoC轮融资3000万美元,研发低糖甜味剂以降低食品含糖量
4. 南非数字银行「TymeBankpre-C轮融资7780万美元,通过收购Retail Capital进一步拓展商业银行业务
5. 企业财务分析平台「Firmbase」种子轮融资1200万美元,整合财务、人力资源数据库以加强财务模型的灵活性
6. 「智绘机器人」完成数千万Pre-A轮融资、「易动宇航」完成超亿元B轮融资,及热门融资事件
7. 专注打造性感体验,「Sauce非理性」想成为国际情趣生活方式品牌
8. 「元上科技」获千万级天使轮融资,“XR+文旅场景推进落地中
9. 基于AI能力迭代金融内容科技产品,「深擎科技」完成数千万元A+轮融资

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
The stock market is firmly in its Harvey Dent era. On one side of the two-face, you have tech stocks, which continued their sprint higher yesterday (peep the Nasdaq in the green). On the other, less pretty side, more industrial-focused companies dragged down the Dow. The 30-stock index has slid into negative territory for the year.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.5.29)

1. 帮助企业在业务流程中部署人工智能,「WorkHack」完成150万美元种子轮融资
2. 清理用于 AI 训练的图像数据集,「Visual Layer」完成700万美元种子轮融资
3. Patient21」完成1.08亿美元C轮融资,将数字医疗保健平台与实体诊所服务相结合
4. 致力于汽车电子中间件研发,骏玖电子完成亿元A轮融资
5. 金融技术初创「NymbusD轮融资7000万美元,助力银行实现数字化转型
6. iOS端折扣软件「CheckmateA轮融资1500万美元,帮助消费者从邮件、短信等多个渠道找到最佳折扣
7. 做园区版贝壳选址平台海洛创新获千万元Pre-A轮融资
8. 中国洗衣机大王外销35亿元后,开始在美国卖制冰机
9. 提供「纤维+」解决方案,「益生纤」想要助力食品企业降本增效

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
– While we’ve turned our attention to weddings, the best parties you can attend alongside your college roommate’s grandma, investors have remained focused on the negotiations for raising the debt ceiling to avoid a June 1 default. Optimism that a deal to raise the limit for two years could be coming together soon sent stocks upward yesterday. But this may drag on: After the market closed, the Treasury pushed its estimate for when the US will run out of money to pay its bills to June 5.
– Chipmaker Marvell is the latest beneficiary of the AI boom pushing Nvidia toward a trillion-dollar valuation. Marvell soared after reporting better-than-expected Q1 earnings and stressing the potential growth of its AI sales.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.5.25)

1. 区块链技术初创「Jia」种子轮融资430万美元,为新兴市场的小微企业提供贷款
2. “拼装各类模型能力,「MyShell」为用户提供机器人创作平台
3. 阿里云上市前人员调整开始,涉及产研、交付等多个部门
4. 为初创企业提供现代化的财务规划,「Firmbase」完成1200万美元种子轮融资
5. 简化卫星图像订购流程,「SkyFi」完成700万美元的种子轮融资
6. 澳大利亚垃圾回收技术公司「Samsara Eco」与Lululemon合作,从服装废料中回收尼龙66和聚酯
7. 印度金融技术巨头「PhonePe」获General Atlantic新一轮1亿美元投资,已累计融资8.5亿美元
8. 原百度副总裁马杰加入创新工场,成立AIGC公司
9. 微软AI全宇宙开启:集成WindowsBing接入ChatGPT、推出AI应用商

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
– Markets: Stocks continued their downward spiral yesterday as debt ceiling talks dragged on with no deal to prevent a government default on June 1 in sight. Investors are getting antsy: JPMorgan strategists suggested clients park their money in cash rather than stocks, and bonds from stable companies are trading better than ones from the Treasury.
– Stock spotlight: Nvidia shot up in after-hours trading after revealing that it had surpassed revenue expectations thanks to soaring demand for its chips, which are notably needed for AI. The company has added more than $220 billion to its market cap this year—that’s the value of more than one whole McDonald’s Corp.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.5.23)

1. 纽约生产力软件开发商「Async」融资400万美元,希望用语音信息取代工作电话以提高效率
2. 采购管理平台「Zip」获YC领投1亿美元C轮投资,估值达到15亿美元
3. Everseen」完成7132万美元A轮融资,帮助零售店发现潜在的商品盗窃行为
4. 美国丹佛技术公司「AMP
5. 开启内容公司的大模型之路,韦林思创发布首款AI助教产品Dr.Owl
6. 自主研发复合手术室,「联影智融」补齐集团诊疗业务拼图
7. 「方糖星球」完成数千万元天使轮及天使+轮融资,打造生态级元宇宙空间
8. 「快进商店」获千万级Pre-A轮融资,投资方为挑战者创投
9. 领信数科完成新一轮超亿元融资,数字安全势头猛进

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Stocks were mixed yesterday, with the Nasdaq reaching its highest since August as a bright spot. All eyes remained fixed on Washington, where negotiations over raising the debt ceiling continued. Pfizer jumped on news of a study showing that an oral diabetes drug it is developing caused as much weight loss as Ozempic injections.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.5.22)

1. 新加坡医疗保健平台「OraA轮融资1000万美元,聚焦千禧一代的特定健康问题
2. 「腾圣」完成数千万A轮融资,推出微型逆变器及微并网产品
3. 「金诺碳投」完成A轮数千万融资,提供一站式碳资产开发与管理服务
4. 数字创意平台「Rooms.xyz」获a16z领投1000万美元种子轮融资,让玩家用浏览器设计3D房间
5. 气候技术初创「Tangible」种子轮融资300万美元,推广可持续建筑材料以降低建筑项目的早期碳排放
6. Senzai」完成200万美元种子轮融资,专注于帮助企业优化营销结果
7. 冷链技术初创「Figorr」种子轮融资150万美元,推出数据驱动的易腐物品运输保险
8. 新加坡网络安全技术公司「SquareX」种子轮融资600万美元,主打一次性浏览器以防止信息泄露


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