市场要闻Market Information(2023.4)

市场信息 Market Information (2023.4.4)

1. 帮助大语言模型集成到应用程序的「Fixie」公司获得1700万美元融资
2. AI时代重新设计电子表格的「Neptyne」公司获得200万美元种子轮融资
3. 奥斯汀金融技术初创「StellarFiA轮融资1500万美元,帮助用户通过支付日常账单提高信用评分
4. 航海器开发商「Saildrone」推出新款研究船“Voyager”,已投入生产
5. 降噪软件「Krisp」推出音频转录功能,用ChatGPT对会议内容进行整理
6. VR数字疗法+心理健康服务,「瑞海一诺」想做智慧诊疗平台
7. 中国太保投资管理(香港)有限公司与水滴资本携手推出数字资产基金
8. DeepMusic」完成近千万美金A+轮融资,用AIGC音乐引擎打造全民音乐创作时代
9. 从供应链切入,现制椰子水连锁品牌「好运椰」连获三轮融资
10. 阿里前高管创业,跨境电商平台「Voghion」抓住海外中产的新需求

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Markets were a mixed bag yesterday as investors absorbed the surprise decision by OPEC+ to cut oil production, which is likely to drive up the cost of oil. Airline stocks took a hit on the prospect of higher fuel costs, and the tech-heavy Nasdaqthe hero of last quarter—started Q2 with a down day. Meanwhile, the WWE’s stock got body-slammed after news broke that it agreed to combine with UFC to create a $21.4 billion entertainment company.

市场信息 Market Information (2023.4.3)

1. 技术初创「Neptyne」种子轮融资200万美元,构建Python驱动的电子表格软件
2. 招聘平台「Paraform」种子轮融资140万美元,将区块链技术引入人才搜索
3. 「进门财经」完成1.2亿人民币B轮融资,与国内80%券商保持常年战略合作
4. 美国猫粮品牌「SmallsB轮融资1900万美元,计划在纽约开设猫咪咖啡馆以进军零售业
5. 亚朵集团交出上市后首份财报:2022年调整后净利润同比增长85.6%
6. 致力于成为「电动摩托届的特斯拉」,SWAP获千万美元级别Pre-A+轮融资
7. 腾讯游戏CROS Calvin:基于USD的美术管线正在革新游戏和其他3D内容的制作流程
8. 毫厘科技完成千万级天使轮融资,专注生产型微流控技术的开发
9. 现象资本一期1.5亿人民币首关,原歌斐资产合伙人饶智再入S基金江湖
10. Brain.ai:和OpenAI同期成立,全世界另一家最早坚持通用模型路线的创业公司

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
– Stocks climbed higher yesterday to end the
quarter with a bang after the Fed’s favorite inflation gauge came in lower than
– Stock spotlight: It’s too soon to say
what impact the indictment of Donald Trump will have on his campaign, but it has
already given a boost to Digital World Acquisition Corp., the SPAC that plans
to merge with the Trump-founded Truth Social. Its shares popped after Trump
used Truth Social to respond to the big news.

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