市场要闻Market Information(2023.2)

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.28)

1. 曾推出2.98万元奥拓,江南汽车发布U2,入局A0级新能源车赛场
2. 结合最新ChatGPT的AI能力,「中科睿智XR」希望提升用户的VR学习、培训体验
3. 研发AR眼镜电致变色镜片,「伯宇科技」完成数千万元Pre-A+轮融资
4. 「Tiamat」完成近千万美元A轮融资,专注将AI生成图像的可控性做到极致
5. 加速动力电池长薄化趋势发展,「盛雄激光」开发300W皮秒激光高速制片机
6. 「新声半导体」完成逾3亿元融资,全自研声学滤波器加速落地5G手机通信及物联网市场
7. 提供极端智造激光装备,「单色科技」中标中科院光电所项目
8. 「安易控动力」获4000万元A轮融资,开发船舶动力电池系统
9. 「天趣星空」CEO王洁:XR领域创业者造不了平行世界,可以先从建一座小房子开始
10. 要打造轻医美界的“7-11”,「蛋壳肌因」获得3000万元A+轮融资

Stocks started climbing again yesterday after last week’s slump as things calmed down a bit in the bond market. Tech stocks led the upward trend, along with Union-Pacific, which jumped after the railroad company said it would give in to investor pressure and replace its CEO this year.

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.27)

1. 上市公司「Starco Brands」收购营养品初创品牌「Soylent」,为持续的有机增长注入动力
2. 留学服务市场同质化严重,「IZANOFFER」打造C2C交易平台
3. 物流技术初创「BlueCargo」新一轮融资1100万美元,追踪港口码头的集装箱以提高效率、降低滞纳金
4. 万亿氢能方兴未艾,PEM制氢或成未来制氢方向指引者
5. 创国产空悬新高度,孔辉科技第10万台套空簧总成量产交付
6. 「维悟光子」获得真格基金超千万元的天使轮融资,专注被动单目3D视觉感知技术
7. 南非汽车租赁平台「Planet42」融资1亿美元,希望解决汽车贷款市场的不平等问题
8. 卫星激光通信开拓者「蓝星光域」获数千万元Pre-A轮投资,由小苗朗程、启赋资本、深圳高新投、邦明资本投资
9. AI企业「澜舟科技」自研开源语言大模型 ,提供以 NLP 为核心的行业知识服务平台
10. 「赤霄科技」完成A轮融资,打造高品质视觉检测产品,赋能新能源产业

Welp, all three major stock averages just finished up their worst week of the year so far. Not helping things? A new data drop: One of the Fed’s favorite measures of inflation came out yesterday…and it was higher than expected for January. Meanwhile, Boeing’s shares fell on the news that the company temporarily stopped deliveries of its 787 Dreamliner jets due to a fuselage documentation problem.

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.24)

1. 把河豚预制菜推向餐厅和厨房,「肆月河豚」完成3500万元A+轮融资
2. 针对数据中心市场,「慧银河科技」想通过提升人效的方式满足更多运维需求
3. 手握100+海内外知名IP授权,成人集换式卡牌第一品牌「集卡社」获首轮融资,bilibili独家投资
4. 累计融资近3000万美金,「NuvoAir」建立呼吸系统疾病数字体系
5. 奈雪开了家“纯茶馆”,茶饮人对“第三空间”的又一场实验
6. 「云谷科技」完成千万元B1轮融资,打造智慧供热解决方案
7. 「索迩电子」获近亿元A轮融资,提供软硬件一体化的触觉反馈解决方案
8. 「图格医疗」3D4K荧光内窥镜上市,腔镜国产替代正当时
9. 主打制氢隔膜自主创新,“中科氢易”获得千万级种子轮融资
10. 索理德新材料完成Pre-A轮融资,万创投行担任独家财务顾问

The S&P snapped a four-day losing streak, though it’s still on pace for its worst week of the year. So, what went right yesterday? Tech giant Nvidia put the team on its back by delivering glamorous earnings on Wednesday that cemented its position as the chipmaker-to-beat in the growing AI space. With its 65% gain so far this year, Nvidia has a market cap of $582 billion (more than Meta).

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.23)

1. 中国电商净增超70%后,沃尔玛电商彻底取消GMV门槛
2. “新势力”电动自行车品牌「VELOTRIC」完成A轮融资,推出高性价比产品
3. SHEIN即将完成新一轮融资,估值回调至700亿美金以下
4. 城市交通规划技术平台「Via」以35亿美元估值融资1.1亿美元,借助匹配算法持续优化、整合城市交通生态系统
5. 隆基绿能HPBC电池技术全面与分布式场景结合,「向日葵2.0」将全线采用Hi-MO 6组件
6. 咖啡因喷剂品牌「VAE Labs」种子轮融资200万美元,声称“只需喷三次就能提供一杯咖啡的能量”
7. 「卓镱辉」获数千万元A轮融资,以飞秒激光器落地半导体与光存储等领域
8. 研发第一个集成虚拟COPD管理方案,「Wellinks」获2500万美元融资

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: Stocks took a beating yesterday as investors worried that the Fed plans to continue to hike interest rates. The S&P suffered its fourth day of losses after the newly released minutes from the Fed’s last meeting showed a group of central bankers fully committed to bringing inflation down. One bright spot was Wingstop, which had its best day ever thanks to chicken sandwich sales boosting its earnings last quarter.

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.22)

1. 御风未来7个月内再获加轮融资,2吨级eVTOL首架机3月下线
2. 纸业整合提速,金鹰集团收购生活用纸品牌「可心柔」
3. 微型电动车租赁平台「Dance」新一轮融资1200万欧元,将可持续交通系统和共享经济相结合
4. 「保碧新能源」完成首轮融资首关5亿元,凡卓资本担任独家财务顾问
5. 提升加密货币交易安全性,日本Web3安全公司「KEKKAI」宣布完成Pre-Seed轮融资
6. 曾获泡泡玛特、红杉中国种子基金投资,「Hitcard」想为人类文明制造一张卡牌
7. 以王府井2700平展厅为依托,「云盟谷」要做元宇宙综合空间运营商
8. 让全球4亿家庭拥有自有数据中心,「冰鲸科技」完成数千万元融资
9. 「联恒智控」获顺为领投天使轮融资,定位智慧建筑一站式服务商
10. 「焕智科技」获数千万元A轮融资,打造以AGV为核心的仓储智能物流系统

Stocks posted their worst day of 2023, because—broken record alert—the Fed may have to hike rates even higher than anticipated to coax inflation back to normal. Home Depot added to the negative vibes when it warned that consumers may get spooked by higher prices in the coming year and buy fewer upscale toilets.

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.20)

1. 保碧新能源完成首轮融资首关5亿元,众多产业资本共助业务发展
2. 瑞利声学获近亿元A轮融资,由创东方、春山资本联合投资
3. 背靠老挝资源+中国技术,「New pay」想成为老挝的支付宝
4. 「海创生物」获千万级Pre-A融资,打造人体微生态科学护肤体系
5. 正轩资本、小米战投投资,千顾科技完成超亿元A轮及A+轮融资
6. 「大佑科技」获数千万元天使轮融资,首推无线蒸汽清洁机
7. 研发新型肿瘤治疗技术,「壹加细胞治疗集团」在自贸区开启细胞治疗先行示范
8. 「嘉兆电子」获数千万元B轮融资,清华系资本力合金融领投
9. 具备微创植入式脑机接口全链条自主技术,「微灵医疗」获数千万元天使轮融资

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.15)

1. 「马蜂窝」时隔近4年完成新一轮融资,但在线旅游格局已变
2. 穿越合成生物学「死亡谷」,蓝晶微生物新获近10亿元资金加持
3. 拼多多Temu广告首秀:花1亿人民币,让1亿美国用户看到
4. 解读「全真银行」落地路径,腾讯发布《全真互联·银行数字化发展研究报告》
5. 爱数发布AnyBackup Family 8,构建多云时代统一数据管理平台
6. 搭建肿瘤介入治疗平台,海杰亚医疗获数亿元D轮融资
7. 功能性咖啡品牌「奢啡CEPHEI」完成数千万融资,由金沙江创投投资
8. 研制出首款细胞培养藏香猪肉,「超技良食」要做出消费者认可的细胞培养肉
9. 新加坡在线3D设计平台「PixCap」种子轮融资280万美元,提供丰富的素材库以降低设计门槛
10. 远程医疗平台「Teal Health」种子轮融资880万美元,以宫颈癌筛查切入市场

Investors had a Spock-like reaction to January’s hot inflation report. While volatility was expected, stocks mostly kept it chill and closed out the day mixed. Tech, led by Nvidia and Tesla, had it better than other sectors.
About the inflation report: Consumer price data showed it’ll be a long and winding road back to normal inflation levels. While inflation continued to cool last month, it did so at a snail’s pace (prices grew 6.4% annually, compared to 6.5% the month before). And prices for a variety of goods and services, such as groceries and rent, continued to climb considerably. Egg prices in January were up 70% from the prior year. Stocks started the week off strong yesterday, with investors betting that today’s government data drop will show inflation continuing to come down (so things could swing the other way if…it doesn’t). Palantir’s stock soared in extended trading hours after the company reported its first profitable quarter ever and said it expects a profitable year.

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.14)

1. 不靠情怀也出圈,国产汽水「大窑」的翻红启示录
2. 开源软件AFFiNE完成Pre-A轮融资,专注全球协同办公市场
3. Fortress Biotech完成1390万美元股票增发,拥有8种已上市处方药
4. IP烘焙供应链「多甜食品」获3000万元A轮融资,将推出自有蛋卷品牌
5. 百度并购医疗数据情报提供商GBI,为医疗行业提供闭环决策辅助
6. 盼盼食品孵化公司「伽那食品」完成首轮融资,投资方为黑蚁资本与内向基金
7. 东南亚食品供应链系统「Secai Marche」A轮融资160万美元,实现“从农场到餐桌”的一站式管理
8. 「Riot」完成1200万美元A轮融资,为企业提供定制化网络安全教育
9. 加拿大家政服务平台「Jobber」D轮融资1亿美元,覆盖北美2700万个家庭
10. 「镁佳科技」获D1轮融资,以人工智能驱动汽车智能化研发运营

Stocks started the week off strong yesterday, with investors betting that today’s government data drop will show inflation continuing to come down (so things could swing the other way if…it doesn’t). Palantir’s stock soared in extended trading hours after the company reported its first profitable quarter ever and said it expects a profitable year.

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.13)

1. 本周累积融资额超60亿元,集兆嘉获5亿美元融资
2. 马斯克合伙人创立脑机接口公司,成立2年获3亿人民币融资
3. 「Recycleye」完成1700万美元A轮融资,重塑垃圾回收产业格局
4. 「VOOL」获170万欧元融资,推动电动汽车基础设施的产业变革
5. 加拿大食品技术初创「New School Foods」种子轮融资1200万美元,主打植物性“全切三文鱼”
6. 以色列生物技术公司「BloomX」种子轮融资800万美元,将人工智能与机器人技术应用于人工授粉
7. 专注新型覆形涂层材料派瑞林20余年,「派拉纶」具有自主可控设备系统和材料研发能力
8. 易达资本将完成10亿美元募资,投资亚洲和中东初创企业
9. 诺和「重磅炸弹」年销109亿美元,礼来新药飚入减肥决赛圈

北美二级市场信息 After a mixed performance yesterday, all three major indexes ended up down for the week, with both the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 suffering their worst week of the year. News Corp’s stock fell after the company said it plans to cut 1,250 jobs, or about 5% of its workforce, this year.

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.11)

1. 光智资本拟设立数十亿元规模新基金,深入布局城市数智化产业
2. 巴西蔬菜生鲜电商「JOKR」以13亿美元估值获5000万美元C轮融资,退出多个市场后开始重整业务
3. 雅培8.9亿美元收购Cardiovascular Systems,获得其创新性斑块切除术产品
4. 「Disclo」完成500万美元种子轮融资,帮助残疾员工解决住宿问题
5. 帮助中小企业合规跨境经营,「Flatfee小肥网」宣布完成新一轮融资
6. 迈铸半导体完成1500万Pre A+轮融资,推进晶圆级微机电铸造技术的量产工艺
7. PanopticAI获数百万美金融资,由阿里巴巴创业者基金和戈壁大湾区联合领投
8. 小宠物品牌「布卡星」完成数千万元Pre-A+轮融资,投资方为金鼎资本与合享资本
9. 巴西食品杂货电商「Diferente」新一轮融资300万美元,拯救数万公斤“不完美”的蔬果
10. 美国食品技术初创「Rebellyous」融资2000万美元,“重新思考”植物基肉类的生产方式

北美二级市场信息 After another down day for stocks, the major indexes are on track to close out the week in the red (a rare sight so far in 2023). Not to point fingers, but Alphabet has been slumping hard since its AI chatbot underwhelmed in its public debut. In the past two trading sessions, the tech giant has lost a total of $173 billion in market cap.

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.10)

1. 「领充新能源」完成近2亿元A轮融资,聚焦一站式新能源服务
2. 专注数据安全,炼石网络宣布完成近亿元A+轮融资
3. 魔数智擎获千万级A轮融资,提供AI决策智能软件服务
4. 「海泰精工」瞄准精密陶瓷检测市场,以高端设备实现国产替代
5. 聚焦高端改衣服务,「易改衣」获滴灌通数百万元战略投资
6. 清听声学完成B轮近亿元融资,加快聚音屏自有品牌产品落地
7. 直播电商选品撮合交易平台「热度星选」完成数千万元A2轮融资,推出达人分销一站式管理工具「热度云」
8. 「绿展科技」获数千万元A轮融资,突破线宽打开增材法下游应用
9. 德国智能家居初创公司「Tado」在IPO计划失败后融资4690万美元,加速增长希望在2023年实现盈利

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Stocks tumbled after investors revisited Jerome Powell’s interview from Tuesday and realized that maybe they should be worried about sustained rate hikes after all. Meanwhile, corporate earnings keep rolling in. Many results have been disappointing, but not Uber’s—the company posted record revenue in what CEO Dara Khosrowshahi called its “strongest quarter ever.”

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.8)

1. 可口可乐前市场通路总监创业果醋饮料,「轻了」完成近千万元天使轮融资
2. 生物技术初创「Michroma」种子轮融资640万美元,用真菌制成可食用色素
3. 获近亿元B轮融资,「乐客VR」将以联营模式落地超1000家门店
4. 获顺为领投3000万元天使轮融资,「玖益医疗」想用千元级国产助听器突围国际大牌垄断
5. 「光信科技」获千万元人民币天使轮融资,推进光谱视觉智能快检的应用落地
6. 开拓AI生成3D视频新赛道,「深氧科技」获汉能创投千万级天使轮融资
7. 半导体设备公司「尊芯智能科技」获数千万元天使轮融资,日本村田出身,同创领投
8. 法国技术初创「Qiara」推出家用监控系统,线上代理帮你实时追踪可疑情况
9. 谷歌向人工智能安全公司「Anthropic」投资近4亿美元,打造下一款ChatGPT
10. 在线视觉设计工具「Kittl」A轮融资1160万美元,主打极简操作、快速上手

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Fed Chair Jerome Powell has the power to tank stocks, but also to send them higher—like he did yesterday, when he confirmed that disinflation “has begun.” Meanwhile, the Bed Bath & Beyond roller-coaster ride shows no signs of slowing down. The retailer’s stock flopped after it secured last-ditch financing to avoid bankruptcy, but shareholders hated the deal because it will dilute their equity.

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.7)

1. 心鉴智控连续完成A+和A++两轮近亿元融资,致力于“把人的双眼从生产线上解放出来”
2. CAX工业软件「数禺科技」完成数千万元PreA融资,发布CAD/CAE一体化注塑模具云平台及几何约束求解器
3. 百市达生物建造“农业高铁”,实现农林废物100%全利用
4. 「辰鳗科技」完成新一轮五千万元融资,持续加码工商业分布式储能
5. 「The Exploration Company」完成4000万欧元A轮融资,助力太空探索的崛起
6. 多特异性蛋白药物研发公司,「赛得康(CytoCan)」获数千万元种子轮投资
7. 推出AI虚拟人大脑技术平台,「得时智能」让每一个虚拟人都有不同的“人生”
8. 「曼孚科技」完成5000万元Pre-B轮融资,“AI+RPA”双驱动助力数据标注服务升级
9. 「Accord」完成1000万美元A轮融资,帮助销售团队更好地管理销售流程
10. 视频会议转录工具「Supernormal」融资1000万美元,能自动跟进后续邮件、日程安排等

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Stocks trended downward yesterday as investors remained skittish about the Fed’s next move. But meme-stock lovers were all in. Flailing retailer Bed Bath & Beyond saw its value nearly double, while GameStop and AMC stocks both rose. Maybe the home goods chain’s faithful are onto something: After the day’s trading ended, the company announced a plan to stave off bankruptcy with a $1 billion share sale.

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.6)

1. 运动社交平台「Strava」收购欧洲3D地图技术初创「Fatmap」,拓展越野运动路线
2. 德国技术初创「Hawk AI」B轮融资1700万美元,开发智能反洗钱、反欺诈系统
3. 「恩易浦」获超亿元 B 轮融资,光源资本担任独家财务顾问
4. 用AIGC丰富商品表达,「FancyTech」宣布完成Pre-A及A轮融资
5. 高精度光学气体传感器及整体解决方案提供商「敢为科技」获得数千万元融资,助力碳中和的实现
6. 手握「德妃」、「KATO-KATO」等品牌,「黛优佳生物科技」想要跻身美妆行业第一梯队
7. 聚焦细胞因子等蛋白药物开发,复融生物获超亿元A轮融资
8. 基于脑科学布局视觉健康领域,「觉华医疗」获数千万元天使轮融资
9. 亚瑟医药完成数千万元A+轮融资
10. 武田制药血友病软件产品进入中国市场

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.2)

1. 「Inbenta」完成4000万美元融资,为企业提供对话式人工智能服务
2. 「Supermom」完成600万美元A轮融资,帮助品牌轻松进行问卷调查
3. 「Xanadu」获得加拿大政府投资,领跑全球量子计算机开发竞赛
4. 《沙丘》制片人创业,「来者娱乐」希望以中国资源做出全球一流的科幻电影
5. 职场社交平台「Peerlist」种子轮融资110万美元,为技术型求职者整合工作成果档案
6. 美国远程保健平台「Nourish」种子轮融资800万美元,关注慢性病患者的饮食健康
7. 韩国P2P借贷平台「PeopleFund」C+轮融资2000万美元,Bain Capital领投
8. SHEIN任命前软银高管执掌拉美业务,或在当地建设供应链

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
Stocks started yesterday off sluggish but jumped up later when investors decided to brush off the Fed’s decision to hike rates again (more on that in a sec). They had no love for Tinder owner Match Group, though. The company’s stock fell after it announced disappointing financial results and layoffs.

市场信息Market Information(2023.2.1)

1. 连接企业与求职者,「Welcome to the Jungle」获得5400万美元C轮融资
2. 优必选科技冲刺“人形机器人第一股”,中国人形机器人迈入新阶段
3. 蓝深新材料获近2亿元D轮融资,计划于2023年申报创业板IPO
4. Ribon Therapeutics获辉瑞2500万美元投资,加速开发肿瘤小分子创新药
5. C-mo Medical获480万欧元融资,改造咳嗽评估监测系统
6. 「iSeller」获得1200万美元B轮融资,距打造成“印尼版Shopify”更近一步
7. AI公司「Mad Street Den」获得C轮融资3000万美元,助力大型企业实现人工智能转型
8. 中东金融技术初创「Tabby」以6.6亿美元估值融资5800万美元,获PayPal Ventures在海湾委员会的首次投资
9. 京东国际收缩,海外业务退守供应链服务
10. 南非游戏开发商「Carry1st」pre-B轮融资2700万美元,Bitkraft Ventures、a16z等专注于web3、游戏领域的基金领投

北美二级市场信息 North American Second-Market Information:
After getting pummeled last year, stocks closed out the first month of 2023 much like your friends who did Dry January—without a hangover. All three indexes rose last month, but the tech-focused Nasdaq shined brightest with a gain of more than 11%. Yesterday’s game ball went to Spotify, which revealed strong user growth last quarter.
On tap today: meetings that could not have been emailed. The Fed is expected to announce an interest rate hike of 25 basis points, which would represent a downshift from a series of larger hikes in 2022. Across town, President Biden will meet with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to hopefully make progress on the looming debt ceiling crisis.

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